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[PRNewswire] i-house.com Blockchain Cloud Platform Makes Debut at Seoul

TokenSky Block Chain Conference

(SAN JOSE, Calif., March 15, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) i-house.com, which is dubbed a futuristic cloud platform for global real estate blockchain, recently gained attention from investors, technophiles and blockchain industry leaders at 2018 TokenSky Block Chain Conference held in Seoul. The token product and equipment exhibition is co-sponsored by TokenSky Organizing Committee, Cointime, Cointiger and CSDN and it is being held at Hilton Hotel in Seoul, South Korea from March 14-15, 2018.

As the chairman and founder of i-house.com Global Real Estate Blockchain Cloud Platform, Ricky Ng was invited to attend the conference and he explained the aspects of the fairly new blockchain to the opinion leaders in the blockchain field, top economists from all over the world, investment and financing companies, mainstream exchanges, media representatives as well as the blockchain technophiles present at the conference.

The theme of 2018 TokenSky Block Chain Conference was "Token changes the world." Ricky Ng said, "As blockchain technology gets bigger in 2018, we're honored to catch up with the trend, and I hope that i-house.com can gain more and more attention and approval by virtue of our unremitting efforts and innovation. Meanwhile, it is expected to promote the overall arrangement and development of the real estate blockchain industry in the global market, and build up the third-generation global real estate sharing platform."

Ricky Ng believes that blockchain will attach much importance to application scenarios and landing while moving forward rapidly. With the help of blockchain technology, the puzzling questions in all industries can be solved. In the future, i-house.com will perform continual innovation in terms of landing applications and technologies in various countries so that blockchain technology and the traditional real estate can form a perfect combination.

Ricky Ng's speech received applause from the attendees, the local media reported. i-house would be implemental in building up the global real estate blockchain cloud platform and improving the performance of real estate markets across the world, financial publications such as Cointime, BITEJIE and Driving Force Finance claimed.

Global capital market's systematic reform triggered by blockchain technology-based TOKEN economy is developing quietly in 2018. TOKEN has become the most disruptive and most popular financial technology product. As a leading enterprise in the field of real estate blockchain, i-house.com will strive to enable more users to benefit from blockchain and the platform.

Source: i-house.com

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
[2018-03-16일 15:04] 송고
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