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[PRNewswire] Crazy Little Things, a self-directed and self-starred film by
Kenji Wu, to be released on November 2, 2018

-- Theme song A Fool Again

(BEIJING, Oct. 18, 2018 PRNewswire=연합뉴스) Inspired by Kenji Wu's 2008 popular song Poems for You, Kenji directed and palyed the film Crazy Little Things in which he presented crazy love in a more expressive way.

Directed by Kenji Wu, starred by Kenji Wu, Zhou Yiran, Zhou Jianming, Su Shiwei and Qiu Peipei and guested by Yan Rujing and Zhang Benyu, the film Crazy Little Things tells a story that Chen Shijie (Kenji Wu) accidentally discovered that if his heartbeats speed up to 160, he will travel back to his college days.

In order to make up for regrets in his life, Chen Shijie decided to take this opportunity to go back to the past and chase his dream girl Hei Xiaozhen again.

Written, composed and performed by Director Kenji Wu, the film's theme song A Fool Again continues the style of his love songs. He has prepared and polished this film for 5 years and integrated his own emotional expression into both the film and the song. This song is not only the theme song of his film but also a song to express his affections of his mother, who passed away during film shooting.

As a first-time director, Kenji Wu believes that a director should not be detached from reality, for art is derived from life. He likes to pay attention to current affairs to know about the vitality of life and he hopes to make a film that can move people. "I believe that the audience will think of the person who makes their hearts beat faster when watching this film." In this film, Kenji Wu chose an entirely new cast, for he believes that the success of a film lies in the solid performance of the performers and whether the story could touch people's heart.

On November 2nd, Kenji Wu's self-directed and self-starred film Crazy Little Things will be released in China, and the movie OST will be released globally by Seed Music on the same day. Please stay tuned.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181018/2271983-1
A Fool Again

Source: Seed Music

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출처 : PRNewswire 보도자료
[2018-10-18일 21:19] 송고
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